Occupational Therapy is

Occupational Therapy is a profession that incorporates meaningful & purposeful activity to enable people with limitations or impairments to achieve their full potential. The primary goal of Occupational Therapy is to enable people to participate as fully as possible in the activities of everyday life. Pediatric Occupational Therapists help children develop skills in the areas of self-care, school and play, which are a child’s main areas of occupation. By supporting children and enabling them to achieve their maximum potential, Pediatric Occupational Therapists indirectly work on developing confidence, self-esteem, social skills, play skills and general well-being. Based on a holistic vision of the human being, on the unity of body and mind, the aim of the therapy is to integrate the cognitive, emotional, symbolical and physical interactions in the individual’s capacity to be and to act in a psychosocial context.


Techniques Used

The techniques used are varied and tailored to each patient:

  • Sensory Integration Technique (Jane Ayres)

  • Spontaneous and directed play

  • Gestures education or rehabilitation

  • Coordination and equilibration

  • Graphomotor or Handwriting Reeducation

  • Dynamic Relaxation Techniques

  • Specific Educational & Re-education techniques.


Who would benefit?

The Occupational Therapist works with people of all ages, from birth to adulthood, with disorder or simple difficulties such as:

  • Attention & Concentration Deficit

  • Learning Difficulties / Disabilities

  • Developmental Coordination Disorder / Dyspraxia

  • Handwriting Challenges or Deficits

  • Planning & Organization Difficulties

  • Delayed or impaired Gross or Fine Motor Development

  • Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)

  • Traumatic injuries (brain or spinal cord)

  • Pervasive Developmental Disorders / Autism

  • Neurological disorders - Neuromuscular disabilities

  • General / Specific Developmental Disabilities or Delays

  • Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebral Palsy or any other Physical Disabilities.

More About Occupational Therapy


Occupational Therapy Specialist

Santiago Zamora

Occupational Therapist