Differentiated Instruction

Differentiated Instruction

Differentiated Instruction

In Differentiated-Instruction-Inclusive-Strategies-for-All 24-07-2020

The training aims to familiarize educators with techniques through which they may teach the same content yet accommodating different learners with a variety of learning styles, needs and interests.


Differentiated Instruction - Inclusive Strategies for All | Instructor: Rabia Waqar Khan, M.Sc. Clinical and Couseling Psych. | 24-25 July, 2pm-5pm | KHDA Approved


Workshop Fee: AED 390/- VAT & KHDA inclusive


Register here: https://forms.gle/fcQfRpbkKCEDLq5v9


Download the brochure: https://drive.google.com/u/0/uc?id=1mF2vLWvY5LDIQtkYI-r41gImsiWrPYek&export=download


Payments can be made securely online through:

  1. Credit or debit card payment via secure online Paytabs link which can be emailed to you after you register.
  2. Bank transfer/Mashreq CDM/Money Exchange to our company account.


For any questions, contact 056-5052685 or email us.