You may have noticed your child’s over-sensitivity to certain things. It could be the amount of light they see, the sounds they hear, and even with the things they touch. On the contrary, your child may display the incessant need for haptic stimulation- meaning, they may feel the urge to feel physical contact or display a higher tolerance to pain. 

You may feel confused about why your child throws a tantrum when you dress them or becomes extra sensitive with the things they see and with the sensations they feel. You may not understand why touching a certain object overwhelms them or how painful it is for them to hear certain sounds. These abnormal aversions to sensations could manifest during their toddler years and could be telltale signs of sensory processing disorder (SPD). 


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All children have the right to receive an education. Even the little angels who require special educational needs or SEN children are entitled to acquire the same level of learning as with their neurotypical peers- although at a unique medium of instruction. Education is important for special needs children to help them accomplish better quality of life and grow up to become functional individuals that contribute to society. Through individualized education, special needs children are able to achieve their full potential. 

Learning centers aimed at assisting children with their accommodations for SEN are recognized to house educational psychologists to help special needs children excel in school and further enhance their education. On the other hand, clinical psychologists aren’t as recog...

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Children love to play and they learn plenty of things during active play. As parents, we love to see our children playing. There seems to be something special with their curiosity and how they absorb new information and imagine ideas and share these experiences with you. It also makes us proud when our children express their creativity through different activities such as painting, music and playing. 

Several of us parents fail to realize how impactful and empowering playing can be for children. Play is actually pivotal for their development. Not only does playing support empower children, but it also supports their learning, enhances their cognitive development, helps them with their social and communication skills and encourages them in their growing interests. 

One such way of integra...

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All parents will agree that we communicate with our children as early as the first weeks of pregnancy. It’s our way to feel closer to our babies. Without even realizing it, we establish a foundation for communication with our child. Research indicates that children begin to learn their native language even while inside the womb, a little earlier than previously expected.

The moment our babies come into this world, they are ready to learn a language. As demonstrated during infancy, babies learn how to communicate their feelings, needs, and thoughts through cooing, crying, facial expressions, and body language. 

Newborn babies are born with an innate ability to communicate and pursue human contact. It is in their nature to develop nonverbal communication with their parents...

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