It is not uncommon for parents having children with displayed signs of delayed speech to think that their child may be having autism. They are promptly concerned on how to cope with their child’s disability. 

In reality, during early intervention, a child cannot be diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD right away; rather therapists can only determine if the child is exhibiting symptoms of developmental delays and only in further evaluation can they diagnose ASD or rule it out entirely.

Speech delays should not be taken lightly, however, as it may be an early warning sign of something much bigger. To prevent parents from misunderstanding their child’s speech delay, let us discuss the different signs that make it a symptom of Autism.

Autistic Speech Delay Vs...

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Our children are precious to us. As parents, we bear the responsibility to help them develop their skills, assist them with their challenges, aid them in honing their talents and nurture them as they navigate through childhood, puberty, and adolescence.  

Being a parent for a child with special needs is a challenge and one that requires patience and dedication. Although it may be tough, several therapeutic interventions can help in parenting special children, especially Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD; one of which is occupational therapy. 

Children with ASD require special attention as they differ in processing sensory information compared to others. They may find it difficult to interact and communicate with their surroundings and their social skills may also be limited...

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Some people are naturally blessed with the ability to effectively teach people, including children. Teachers are regarded as second parents—responsible for taking care of and educating children at school and helping them cope with learning. That being said, becoming a teacher is a vocation and a calling. Thus, being an educator for children with special needs is very challenging.

Teachers deal with different types of children every day. An educator needs to have access to the right teaching tools and behavioral management techniques to better aid them with their responsibility.

 Applied Behavioral Analysis Training can help empower educators to become effective in handling their students with special needs.

Today, we will be providing you with 5 ways to further aid you in supporting chi...

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Treading the path of parenthood is a journey of constant learning. It is a life-changing process. From the moment of conception, rearing, the first few words, footsteps, education, up to finally letting them explore the world on their own. 

The role of a parent is central to the development of any child. This is especially accurate for parents of children with special needs. There are unique responsibilities to this kind of parenting, that can be supported through Applied Behavioral Analysis training for parents

For parents of children undergoing, ABA Therapy, proper support is important. It is essential for parents to be aware of their child’s behavior and why they act the way they do.  

An ABA Foundation training course will give parents access to the basic principles and practic...

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