Originally developed by the French Doctor and Researcher, Alfred Tomatis, this therapy uses sound training in combination with sensory integrative techniques to reach a child’s (or a person’s) auditory system directly with the sole of aim of helping the child (or the person) develop motor, emotional, and cognitive abilities.
Simply put, Tomatis listening therapy is a therapeutic listening program that helps a person to fully develop the ability to receive sensory information, analyze them correctly, and make valid decisions based on the analysis.
Although the Tomatis listening program has been perfected by hundreds of therapeutic listening professionals, individual cases are usually different, so, the program is usually personalized to suit each person’s individual needs.
In this post, we will be looking at the stages involved in creating a personalized therapeutic listening program, and the categories of people who can benefit from this program. Read on:
Stage 1: Preliminary Interview
During the preliminary interview, you will receive an individualized assessment that is customized to meet the individual needs of your child. The certified trainer dealing with your child’s case will also administer a listening test using a device known as the TLTS (Tomatis Listening Test System).
This will help in identifying the underlying reason for your child’s listening difficulty. The preliminary session lasts for 2 hours.
Stage 2: Listening Session (Passive Phase)
During the passive listening sessions, your child will be asked to listen to an exclusive musical program that’s tailored to his or her needs. Using the devices TalksUp® your child can listen to the music while continuing with tasks that are non-stressful.
Drawing, walking, playing and cooking are acceptable activities that can be performed during the duration of the session.
However, he or she must stay away from activities like eating or using other electronic devices. The program includes sessions of up to 2 hours which will be conducted over a time frame of 2 to 3, 13-day periods.
Stage 3: Integration Phases
Between each passive listening phases, the program will be paused for several weeks. This is called the integration phase. This stage will be followed by tests and intermediate interviews before resuming a new listening session.
Stage 4: Listening Sessions (Active Phase)
Sometimes, your child will receive active listening sessions, which include reading aloud and verbal repetition. During these activities, the child’s voice is instantly modified and retransmitted within the parameters of the Tomatis® effect.
This offers the child to listen to a modified version of his or her own voice. The active listening session is recommended after an initial program of passive listening.
Stage 5: Exit Assessment
Upon finishing the listening sessions, your child will have an exit assessment that allows the assigned therapist to measure the progress and determine whether there is a need for further sessions.
However, since the results of the Tomatis® Method are long-lasting in most cases, it is not necessary to extend the sessions beyond the initial course.
So, are you looking for a suitable therapeutic listening program for your child? Feel free to contact us today to learn more about the Tomatis® Method.