Being a parent is not an easy task. It involves sacrifice, time, tears, and sweat. But despite this, they do not complain. Their selfless acts are a testimony of how a parent’s love can endure even the most challenging tasks.

Life is challenging for parents of special needs children. Their experience is extraordinary, compelling, and above all, inspiring. The truth is, becoming a parent of special needs children or kids with down syndrome will teach you lessons about both the positive and negative aspects of life. More than just becoming the source of strength for their children, parents of kids with special needs learn the value of resilience and being thick-skinned in a world where prejudice and stigma exist for their children. 

Let us take a look at how we can celebrate the parents o...

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Children with autism spectrum disorder or ASD are special individuals who are remarkably unique in their own ways. Their perspective on things is quite extraordinary. You’ll be surprised to see how empathetic, thoughtful, and ingenious they are despite their challenges and the stigma they face. 

Communication is a process that involves several elements including a speaker, message, channel, receiver, feedback, and at times noise. Most ASD children, however, may have developmental challenges when it comes to communication. For children with ASD, there may be an impairment in either the way they deliver a message or interpret it. Often times, this results in negative feedback or reaction...

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