The objective of Occupational Therapy is to give specialized support for children and adults while empowering them to perform daily activities by overcoming their difficulties.

Getting your loved ones into occupational therapy in Dubai will provide them dedicated therapy sessions to help them manage their everyday lives. With occupational therapy, they’ll eventually gain the independence and confidence to carry out daily living tasks independently.

How does occupational therapy exactly help your loved ones in achieving their maximum potential? Let us discuss the different ways below:

By offering tailored therapy programs to suit individual needs

Occupational therapists closely work with your loved ones who are experiencing challenges in learning, playing and socializing, to help them achieve success in these activities through their day.

By helping them gain self-dependency in daily tasks

Occupational therapy also helps children gain self-dependency by accomplishing daily essential activities on their own, including skills such as dressing, picking up and using a pencil, and interacting with regular daily objects among many other daily skills. As children begin to gain their personal independence, they also gain confidence in themselves.

By targeting to achieve results and success

At the same time, our occupational therapists also work closely with patients to decide their objectives, set a comprehensive therapy plan, and guide them through each milestone. Through this individualized approach, occupational therapists can target the unique needs of every patient.

With occupational therapy, it cultivates a supportive environment and recognition of various accommodations at home or at school are made where children feel at ease in interacting with their environment.

Occupational Therapy incorporates meaningful and focused activities to empower people with impairments in achieving their full potential. Its main goal is to enable people to contribute as fully as possible in everyday activities of life.

For a program that is more focused on children-oriented therapies, Pediatric Occupational Therapy helps children develop skills in the areas of self-care, school, and play, which are a child’s main areas of occupation. By supporting children and allowing them to achieve their maximum potential, pediatric occupational therapists work on developing confidence, self-esteem, social skills, play skills, and general well-being.

Based on a holistic vision of the human being, the aim of the therapy is to integrate the cognitive, emotional, symbolical and physical interactions in the individual’s capacity to be and to act in a psychosocial context.

Techniques Used

The techniques used are tailored to each patient:

  •    Sensory Integration Technique (Jane Ayres)
  •    Spontaneous and directed play
  •    Gestures education or rehabilitation
  •    Coordination and equilibration
  •    Graphomotor or Handwriting Re-education
  •    Dynamic Relaxation Techniques
  •    Specific Educational & Re-education techniques

Who would benefit?

The Occupational Therapist works with people of all ages, from birth to adulthood, with a disorder or simple difficulties such as:

  •    Attention & Concentration Deficit
  •    Learning Difficulties / Disabilities
  •    Developmental Coordination Disorder / Dyspraxia
  •    Handwriting Challenges or Deficits
  •    Planning & Organization Difficulties
  •    Delayed or impaired Gross or Fine Motor Development
  •    Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)
  •    Traumatic injuries (brain or spinal cord)
  •    Pervasive Developmental Disorders / Autism
  •    Neurological disorders – Neuromuscular disabilities
  •    General / Specific Developmental Disabilities or Delays
  •    Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebral Palsy or any other Physical Disabilities

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